
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

Does Ascend have agents in foreign countries?
Presently, Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd needs agents working in overseas countries. We believe that a broker can help promote brand image and increase the popularity of our fuser heat cloth fabric . Due to the ongoing imperfect sales system in the foreign market, we're still trying our best to accomplish this great goal. With the expanding overseas business, we're in an urgent need of searching for trusted agents to assist us.

Ascend is a top brand in the samsung transfer belt industry in particular. hp fuser film is the main product of Ascend. It is diverse in variety. The product has been tested by many quality norms and has been approved to be qualified in all respects, such as performance, service life, and so on. The abrasion resistance guarantees its consistent print quality. This product acts as a piece of furniture and a piece of art. It is warmly welcomed by people who love to decorate their rooms. The product has good tear strength, not being damaged by high-pressure printing condition.

We decided to become one of the most popular sharp transfer kit suppliers. Get info!
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