
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

How to place an order on fuser unit ?
The quickest access to placing an order on fuser unit is to directly contact us via phone call listed on the website of Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd or paying a field visit on our factory. We have listed a lot of important contact information such as e-mail address, Wechat number, Skype number, telephone number, and factory address on our official website. You can choose any of these listed contact details to contact us at your preference. You may also click the "Contact" and fill in the necessary information like the expected purchase quantity and your E-mail address. We will reply to you as soon as possible. The other suggested way, also the most direct way, is to pay a field visit on us.

Having made years of efforts, Ascend now has a voice in the copier parts industry. ricoh transfer belt is the main product of Ascend. It is diverse in variety. Through the analysis of the structure and materials, hp fuser film with low cost and long service life has been developed. It can be tailored to customers' needs, such as providing different combinations of ribbon and film. It is definitely a cost-effective investment for business owners. Using this product will bring profits to them by cutting expenditure on labor and increasing productivity. The abrasion resistance guarantees its consistent print quality.

In this competitive society, Ascend must keep becoming competitive. Please contact us!
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